Perfect Topfstielgriff mit Flammschutz, 22 cm

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Perfect Topfstielgriff mit Flammschutz, 22 cm



Fast cooking times
Our time-saving pressure cooker produces delicious results with up to 70% faster cooking times.*
Healthy pressure cooking
Our pressure cookers offer healthier meals day after day, preserving up to 1.7 times the vitamin C.* *compared to a WMF stewpot
3-in-1 cooking pot
Discover an exceptional triple-function cooking pot to meet all your cooking needs day after day, serving as a classic pot, steamer and pressure cooker—all in one.
Energy-saving cookware
Our pressure cooker offers an energy-efficient cooking solution that saves up to 50% more energy* than cooking with a traditional stewpot. *compared to a WMF stewpot


Produktname Perfect Topfstielgriff mit Flammschutz, 22 cm
CMMF 3201111800
EAN 4000530733030
Dampfablasssystem Gesteuert


Sie bewerten: Perfect Topfstielgriff mit Flammschutz, 22 cm
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*compared to a WMF stewpot