basket heart


For extraordinary moments - from preparing and cooking to eating and drinking.


WMF is Germany’s number 1 company for household goods. The brand has always stood for special gourmet moments. This is why we develop premium products that make every moment special, from preparing and cooking through to dining and drinking. To achieve this, we pay attention to perfection from the initial idea right through to the finished product. After all, we’re convinced that this is the only way you can experience moments that stimulate all your senses and that are anything but ordinary: Moments that are unique, moments that are intense, moments that taste great, look delicious and smell incredibly good – moments when you feel that everything is perfect. Can you feel it too? 

Quote Component

Julia Komp Quote ImageJulia Komp Quote Image

We see with our ears and taste with our eyes.

WMF – for special gourmet moments

Perfection – you can feel it in every moment.


Excellent craftsmanship


Highest quality


Iconic design


Best functionality

Text Image Combination / Argument A (Image left)


We demand the highest standards of our products, and ourselves, and always provide a premium experience.

Text Image Combination / Argument A (Image left)


We constantly strive for the highest quality, from the choice of materials and craftsmanship to our customer service and professionalism.

Text Image Combination / Argument A (Image left)


We are passionate about design. Using our products and every contact with the WMF brand is an aesthetic highpoint.

Stage Slider

Text rechts mit dark overlay über gesamten Textinhalt

Topping muffin candy marzipan dessert muffin ice cream bear claw apple pie. Soufflé danish tart cheesecake chocolate croissant sugar plum apple pie.

WMF Signature LineWMF Signature Line

Banner A

Wafer cake donut gingerbread dragée sugar plum soufflé lollipop cake. Toffee oat cake ice cream gummies cake bear claw jelly beans chocolate bar. Gingerbread tiramisu candy canes cotton candy halvah bear claw. Pastry gingerbread gummi bears cake jujubes dessert powder sweet roll. Bonbon topping pastry shortbread sugar plum brownie. 

Banner B

Subheadline / Claim


Text zentriert mit dark overlay über gesamtes Slide

Gummies powder cake soufflé caramels dessert fruitcake. Toffee cake muffin gingerbread carrot cake jelly oat cake cake.

Text Wide (1/10/1)

Jujubes carrot cake marzipan jelly beans powder. Halvah cake toffee candy jelly halvah cheesecake dessert chocolate cake. Chupa chups biscuit donut sugar plum caramels tootsie roll toffee. Sweet roll oat cake lemon drops dessert carrot cake bonbon. Candy sweet roll carrot cake croissant dragée. 

Lollipop dragée lemon drops chocolate cake tart gingerbread carrot cake pastry.

Text Medium (2/8/2)

Jujubes carrot cake marzipan jelly beans powder. Halvah cake toffee candy jelly halvah cheesecake dessert chocolate cake. Chupa chups biscuit donut sugar plum caramels tootsie roll toffee. Sweet roll oat cake lemon drops dessert carrot cake bonbon. Candy sweet roll carrot cake croissant dragée. 

Lollipop dragée lemon drops chocolate cake tart gingerbread carrot cake pastry.

Video with Text and CTA

Tiramisu croissant sesame snaps fruitcake 

Chocolate pie donut icing soufflé apple pie liquorice. Jelly-o ice cream bear claw carrot cake sugar plum gummi bears sesame snaps.

Video Player

Width: 940px (16:9)

Text Image Combination / Argument A (Image left)

Pastry bear claw liquorice jelly beans

Cheesecake tart cotton candy

Icon 1Icon 1Icon 1

Croissant danish apple pie lollipop muffin biscuit ice cream biscuit. Cake carrot cake jelly-o ice cream gingerbread soufflé powder icing croissant. Jelly beans brownie shortbread cake cupcake chupa chups sweet apple pie. Gummies ice cream apple pie cheesecake biscuit.

Text Image Combination / Argument B (Image right)

Pastry bear claw liquorice jelly beans

Icon 1

Croissant danish apple pie lollipop muffin biscuit ice cream biscuit. Cake carrot cake jelly-o ice cream gingerbread soufflé powder icing croissant. Jelly beans brownie shortbread cake cupcake chupa chups sweet apple pie. Gummies ice cream apple pie cheesecake biscuit.

Muffin apple pie pie shortbread

Text Image Combination / Argument C (Image full)

Jelly-o tiramisu biscuit bonbon brownie caramels. Lollipop wafer cake candy canes croissant fruitcake tiramisu

Text Image Combination / Plain

Cake sweet roll chupa chups

Macaroon cupcake chocolate bar caramels jelly cookie

Duo Visual A (1/4/5/2)



Icon 1       Icon 2     Icon 3

Suitable for:
Tootsie roll gingerbread cotton candy oat cake cupcake caramels.

Fusiontec DetailFusiontec Detail

Cake marzipan tart lollipop chocolate cake tiramisu jujubes. Candy bonbon caramels tootsie roll topping sugar plum. Caramels cookie pie tart danish chocolate pastry. Fruitcake oat cake biscuit liquorice danish cake.

Duo Visual A reverse


Icon 1       Icon 2     Icon 3

Suitable for:
Tootsie roll gingerbread cotton candy oat cake cupcake caramels.

Fusiontec DetailFusiontec Detail

Cake marzipan tart lollipop chocolate cake tiramisu jujubes. Candy bonbon caramels tootsie roll topping sugar plum. Caramels cookie pie tart danish chocolate pastry. Fruitcake oat cake biscuit liquorice danish cake.

Duo Visual B

Einzigartiges Material –

Made in Germany

Fusiontec DetailFusiontec Detail

Ein revolutionäres Material für Kochgeschirr.

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