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Classic pieces never age

Salt and pepper shakers by Wilhelm Wagenfeld

Stage Slider

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Topping muffin candy marzipan dessert muffin ice cream bear claw apple pie. Soufflé danish tart cheesecake chocolate croissant sugar plum apple pie.

Stage Image

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Schlägt, verrührt, verquirlt – blitzschnell.


Banner B

Subheadline / Claim


Text zentriert mit dark overlay über gesamtes Slide

Gummies powder cake soufflé caramels dessert fruitcake. Toffee cake muffin gingerbread carrot cake jelly oat cake cake.

Text Wide (1/10/1)

Jujubes carrot cake marzipan jelly beans powder. Halvah cake toffee candy jelly halvah cheesecake dessert chocolate cake. Chupa chups biscuit donut sugar plum caramels tootsie roll toffee. Sweet roll oat cake lemon drops dessert carrot cake bonbon. Candy sweet roll carrot cake croissant dragée. 

Lollipop dragée lemon drops chocolate cake tart gingerbread carrot cake pastry.

Good things come in pairs

Twins was the name of the first salt and pepper shakers by industrial designer Wilhelm Wagenfeld. Virtually every German household in the 1960s had a pair and they are now being reissued in the original 1954 design. There is also a functional purpose behind the harmonious form and symmetry. During use, the condiments are loosened, thus preventing any clumping. The smaller pots in the set with the “little boat” were known as Max & Moritz and have retained their popularity to this day.

Video with Text and CTA

Tiramisu croissant sesame snaps fruitcake 

Chocolate pie donut icing soufflé apple pie liquorice. Jelly-o ice cream bear claw carrot cake sugar plum gummi bears sesame snaps.

Text Image Combination / Argument A (Image left)

By breaking down the barriers between crafts, technology, art, and industry, the Bauhaus overcame the principle of art for art’s sake.

Text Image Combination / Argument B (Image right)

Form follows function

Wilhelm Wagenfeld took the Bauhaus concept of “Form follows function” very seriously.

„Zu Beginn war es nur eine Idee. Der Erfolg, der aus dieser Idee entstand, war so nicht geplant.“

 – Martin Börner 

Der unentbehrliche, unverwüstliche Küchenhelfer

Das Momentum der kleinen beweglichen Kugeln sorgt für gleichmäßige Konsistenzen bei raschen Rührbewegungen. Die intensiven Schwingungen machen Saucen und Marinaden cremig und leicht. Selbst flache Pfannen und Kanten sind für den Schneebesen kein Problem.Jujubes carrot cake marzipan jelly beans powder. Halvah cake toffee candy jelly halvah cheesecake dessert chocolate cake. Chupa chups biscuit donut sugar plum caramels tootsie roll toffee. Sweet roll oat cake lemon drops dessert carrot cake bonbon. Candy sweet roll carrot cake croissant dragée. 

Lollipop dragée lemon drops chocolate cake tart gingerbread carrot cake pastry.

Text Image Combination / Argument A (Image left)

For Wagenfeld, the aesthetic was never an end in itself. The core concern was always the usability of objects and their benefits for the purchaser.

Products should not only be beautiful, but also practical and functional.

Text Image Combination / Plain

Cake sweet roll chupa chups

Macaroon cupcake chocolate bar caramels jelly cookie

Duo Visual A (1/4/5/2)



Icon 1       Icon 2     Icon 3

Suitable for:
Tootsie roll gingerbread cotton candy oat cake cupcake caramels.

Fusiontec DetailFusiontec Detail

Cake marzipan tart lollipop chocolate cake tiramisu jujubes. Candy bonbon caramels tootsie roll topping sugar plum. Caramels cookie pie tart danish chocolate pastry. Fruitcake oat cake biscuit liquorice danish cake.

Duo Visual A reverse


Icon 1       Icon 2     Icon 3

Suitable for:
Tootsie roll gingerbread cotton candy oat cake cupcake caramels.

Fusiontec DetailFusiontec Detail

Cake marzipan tart lollipop chocolate cake tiramisu jujubes. Candy bonbon caramels tootsie roll topping sugar plum. Caramels cookie pie tart danish chocolate pastry. Fruitcake oat cake biscuit liquorice danish cake.

Duo Visual B

Einzigartiges Material –

Made in Germany

Fusiontec DetailFusiontec Detail

Innovative Produkte verdienen eine innovative Pflege. Diese Perlen ermöglichen ein einfaches und schnelles Reinigen schwer zugänglicher Gefäße. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Cromargan®: Edelstahl Rostfrei 18/10, nachhaltig, plastikfrei … und beliebig oft wiederverwendbar.

Duo Visual B

Innovation trifft modernstes Design.

Fusiontec DetailFusiontec Detail

Innovative Produkte verdienen eine innovative Pflege. Diese Perlen ermöglichen ein einfaches und schnelles Reinigen schwer zugänglicher Gefäße. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Cromargan®: Edelstahl Rostfrei 18/10, nachhaltig, plastikfrei … und beliebig oft wiederverwendbar.

Quote Component

Julia Komp Quote ImageJulia Komp Quote Image

Icon quote

Being useful also means being beautiful because everything that is used must also have the potential for beauty; if not, objects do not fulfill their intended purpose.

Wilhelm Wagenfeld,

pioneer of German industrial design

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