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Bean miso bowl with steamed broccoli and egg  

  • 35 min
    • Preparation 25 min
    • Cooking 10 min
Recipe for One Pot Pressure Cooker Perfect / Perfect Premium


4 People
  • 200 g Kidney beans
  • 1 tsp. Baking soda
  • 250 g Mushrooms
  • 400 g Broccoli
  • 4 stalks Spring onion
  • 2 Garlic
  • 4 stalks Ginger
  • 4 tbsp. Light miso paste
  • 45 ml Soy sauce
  • 30 ml Honey
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 tsp. Chili flakes
  • 2 tbsp. Fried onions
  • Fresh coriander
  • Neutral vegetable oil


Step 1
Wash the kidney beans thoroughly and soak in plenty of water for at least 8 hours or overnight.
g Kidney beans
Step 2
Rinse and drain the soaked kidney beans and add to the pressure cooker together with the baking soda. Cover with sufficient water, season with salt and close the lid. Then heat the pot on the highest setting and once it reaches cooking setting 2, reduce the temperature and cook the beans for 10 minutes.
tsp. Baking soda
Step 3
Trim and halve the mushrooms. Wash the broccoli, drain, and cut off the woody ends. Slice the spring onions into rings, and peel and finely grate the garlic. Finally, peel the ginger and grate one half, then cut the other half into fine strips. Mix the miso paste in a small bowl with the soy sauce, grated garlic, grated ginger, and honey until smooth.
g Mushrooms
g Broccoli
stalks Spring onion
stalks Ginger
tbsp. Light miso paste
ml Soy sauce
ml Honey
Step 4
Release the steam and open the lid. Insert the steamer insert with the spacer, place the broccoli on top, close the lid and cook. Once it reaches cooking setting 1, steam for 3 minutes.
Step 5
Release the steam again. Put the broccoli to one side, pour the cooked beans through a sieve and leave to steam out a little. Reheat a little oil in the pot and sauté the mushrooms for about 4-5 minutes. Add the spring onions and fry for 2 minutes. Now add the beans to the pot, pour over the sauce, toss everything once, season with salt and divide between the bowls.
Step 6
Fry the eggs in a frying pan and divide between the bowls together with the broccoli. Serve with chili flakes, coriander, fried onions and finely chopped ginger.
tsp. Chili flakes
tbsp. Fried onions
Fresh coriander